Hearing aids are the most recommended treatment for hearing loss. They improve hearing by turning soundwaves into digital signals your brain can interpret. All types are fitted with a microphone and an amplifier in order to pick up sounds. Hearing aids have come a long way thanks to advances in technology, and now most are digitalized.

They have advanced features such as automated settings, Bluetooth compatibility and can even be controlled from your smartphone. There are three main types of hearing aids, and an audiologist will be able to determine which is the best option for you. These are behind the ear (BTE), in the ear (ITE) and in the canal (ITC).  

Behind-the-ear hearing aids

Behind-the-ear hearing aids are external and place behind the ear. They are still very compact, however, and comfortable to wear. The external part hooks up to an earpiece inside the ear canal with a narrow tube. They are powerful devices and suitable for all types of hearing loss. BTE hearing aids are fitted with directional microphones to improve the reception of sounds.

There are newer models available in micro which are more subtle, and many have advanced features. You can connect your hearing aids to your smartphone and other devices via Bluetooth.

In-the-ear hearing aids

In-the-ear hearing aids fit inside the ear and cover a part of your outer ear. They are more discreet and useful for those who wear glasses. They’re available for all patients with mild-to- severe hearing loss.

ITE hearing aids are larger than hearing aids that fit completely inside the canal, often meaning they have more adjustable features. They’re custom-made to a mold of your ear making them very comfortable to wear and unique to the wearer. The latest models are compatible with other devices such as smartphones and tablets. 

In-the-canal hearing aids

In-the-canal hearing aids are barely visible. They fit entirely inside the ear canal and are very small and discreet. ITC hearing aid are custom-made according to a mold of the wearer’s inner ear. Although they are pretty much inconspicuous, they are slightly less powerful than larger models, but can greatly improve the way of life of anyone with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Most models can be controlled by a smartphone or remote-control device. You can personalize the settings and make the most of the automated features.

How can an audiologist help?

If you’re unsure about which type of hearing aid is right for you, book an appointment with an audiologist. They will be able to provide you with expert advice on all types of hearing aids. An audiologist will also help you to adjust to wearing hearing aids and offer useful tips on how to care for and maintain them. After the initial fitting, they’ll maintain follow up appointments in order to ensure your hearing aids are functioning properly, make any necessary repairs or upgrades. If you’re unsure about how to pick the best hearing aids, get in touch with an audiologist today.