It may sound a little intimidating, but a hearing aid fitting is possibly one of the most important appointments that you could ever have when it comes to your hearing health. You need to be able to hear and if your hearing is declining, supporting it is vital if you want to be able to keep going through your life. Things like hearing the fire alarm, hearing the bus coming and hearing the sound of laughter are all vital for a rounded life and if you are experiencing hearing loss, then scheduling a hearing test and a subsequent hearing aid fitting is vital for your continued health.

Your life is going to be far easier when your hearing is supported by the best audiologists around. They will be able to talk you through the support your hearing needs, and they will be able to work with you on your hearing and your new hearing aids, too. A successful hearing aid fitting is going to help you to bring back control of your hearing and it’s also going to support you in carrying on with your life – you'll be able to thrive as a result. If you’re wondering whether a hearing aid fitting is a good idea, then stop wondering because the answer is yes!

This appointment is all about ensuring that you are comfortable, confident and able to wear your hearing aids feeling nothing short of pride. The tuning needs to be on point, and the hearing aids need to fit your ears perfectly. Too loose, too much pressure, falling out – you don't need to have any of these issues with the right hearing aid fitting appointment booked! Your audiologist will be able to talk you through the hearing aid styles that you may need to your needs and your lifestyle and it’s this concentrated attention that you need to give your health. So, why else should you schedule your hearing aid fitting?

You’ll Get a Lifestyle Assessment

Whether you’re active or a bookworm, you need to know that your hearing aids are the right fit for your lifestyle. Your lifestyle assessment is going to help your audiologist to assess your hearing needs and one of the reasons that you have this assessment is to ensure that your hearing aids will work for your specific needs in daily life. If you’re in a busy work environment, you’ll be able to program your hearing aids to suit your surroundings.

Your Ears Will Be Measured

Your hearing aid fitting also takes the shape of your ears into consideration. You need to know that you will get the best results and a part of that will mean having your hearing aids fitted to your exact ear shape. This can only happen during a hearing aid fitting.

You’ll Learn About Care

You might think that you know how to use hearing aids, but you have no idea how to truly care for them until you speak to your audiologist about them. They’ll teach you all that you need to know!