There are many benefits to wearing hearing aids. They help people hear better, they can be used by children and adults alike and there are so many different styles of hearing aids that you can find one that suits your needs perfectly. 

However, as with any other type of electronic device, it is only a matter of time before something goes wrong. If you notice that your hearing aid is no longer working correctly or has developed an issue in the design, like a crack or a loose wire, you will need to get it repaired by an audiologist. Other than these signs, how do you know you need your hearing aid repaired? 

  • It is covered in earwax.
  • It has physical damages.
  • It randomly switches off.
  • It has an issue with noise.

Your Device is Covered with Wax

One of the most common reasons why your hearing aid might not work correctly is that it has built-up wax, which blocks sound from getting to the ear. Wax can also cause feedback and static in both ears when trying to listen on multiple devices simultaneously.

If you have noticed an increase in volume levels or fluctuating volumes, have the device checked by a professional. Probably it requires professional cleaning, especially when you're using an in-the-ear and in-the-canal device.

It Has Physical Damages

Has the device fallen and cracked or water-damaged? Does it still work or flashes error messages? If the device has physical damages, then you need to repair it. On the other hand, you might not see physical damage, but it will not work efficiently. To diagnose and fix this problem, get a repair service expert or an audiologist to inspect and detect any physical damage that needs fixing. 

The Device Randomly Switches Off

Does the hearing device switch off spontaneously? This can indicate a problem with the battery which means that it needs a replacement or the charger could be faulty. Other times, it will not turn on no matter what. 

This means that the hearing device is broken or has ran out of power and needs a recharge. It's not easy to troubleshoot when the hearing aids suddenly switch off, but an audiologist can inspect the problem leading to a fast solution. 

The Battery Drains Quickly

Is your battery draining quickly? If you are not using Bluetooth, make sure to turn off features like volume control buttons, microphones or switch the device off when not in use. However, a faulty battery will drain off even when sparingly used. Have an audiologist check it for a quick solution, such as a replacement.

The Device Has Noise

If you hear buzzing sounds or experience background noise when you use your hearing aid, it might be time to have a professional look at the device. Also, the device might be too loud, or you might have trouble hearing speech. Whatever the reason for the noise, it's not comfortable wearing the device and it might be time to get a professional opinion.

As you will realize, hearing aids will develop problems now and then. Some are simple issues you can troubleshoot, but let your audiologist know the problem for a permanent solution.