If you happen to have some hearing loss problems, audiologists may recommend you wear hearing aids. These small acoustic devices are designed to amplify sound signals to improve a patient’s hearing condition. Different hearing aid fittings treat various degrees of hearing disorders, so your audiologist will conduct an exam to ensure that your hearing aids fit you well and function effectively. The following guide to hearing aid fittings will be helpful if you experience hearing loss conditions.

What’s a Hearing Aid Fitting All About?

A hearing aid fitting appointment is designed to allow an audiologist to assess your hearing condition and find the right hearing aid for your needs. Every one’s hearing loss is different, so there are several kinds of hearing devices in the market, including in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC).

A fitting affords your audiologist the chance to fine-tune your hearing aid solution. Once your hearing test has been conducted, your audiologists will discuss the findings with you and explain to you the way forward to restore your hearing. Then, based on your decision, your audiologist will schedule a hearing aid fitting for you at the opportune time.

What to Expect at a Hearing Aid Fitting?

When you visit your audiologist’s office for a hearing aid fitting, they will install the aids in your ears to see if they suit you. During the exercise, a minor adjustment may have to be made before you can enjoy the performance and comfort of wearing your hearing aids. In addition, your audiologist will have to program the device and customize the settings to ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

When you are satisfied with the performance of your device, your audiologist will teach you how to use it. Feel free to ask questions if you have any concerns regarding the ITE, BTE, or ITC hearing aid.

How Long Will the Appointment Last?

This is one of the most common questions asked by hearing aid patients. The truth is that there is no specific time limit for hearing aid appointments; it all depends on your condition. A hearing aid fitting will probably last longer than your usual trips to a hearing aid center. While the average could be around an hour, your hearing aid fitting can take longer based on your situation and the nature of the device.

Follow-Up Appointment

You may have to book a follow-up appointment with your audiologist – this will allow them to verify whether your device is working as it should. If your hearing aid doesn’t work correctly, your audiologist will make the necessary tweaks and reprogram it to meet your needs.

Many things can happen during a hearing aid fitting, so don’t forget to take notes when you book the follow-up appointment. For example, some bring their family members or friends along to assist them during the fitting. This is ideal when you want to remember all the essential facts your audiologist explained to you.