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Dr. Gary Mendelson

Doctor of Audiology

Meet Dr. Gary Mendelson

Gary and his wife Dawn have been married for over 50 years and Dawn often helps out with the day to day operations of the practice. They have 2 children, Emily and Jonathan. Jonathan and his wife live in Seattle and Emily and her family live in Clarksburg. One of Gary’s biggest joys is his grandson, Tyler. He is already teaching him about hearing aids.

Gary was born and raised in Silver Spring, MD and attended Northwood High School and the University of Maryland. He graduated from the University in 1970 with his Bachelor’s degree and in 1972 with his Master’s degree. Gary has earned two additional doctorate’s degrees.

Dr. Mendelson wears hearing aids himself and has personal knowledge and experience to counsel his patients through the adjustment period that all new hearing aid users encounter. He understands what his patients are experiencing and knows how to make the necessary adjustments in programming and fit of the hearing aids to ensure that his patients have long-term success with their aids.