Many people don't think about hearing loss until they experience it. Fortunately, there are a lot of things you can do to prevent hearing loss in the first place- and it's never too late to start following the below tips! 

The ear is important because:

  • They transmit sound to the brain
  • They help to hear and promote balance
  • They help you to communicate better

Here are some healthy habits that will help keep your ears safe:

Avoid Loud Noises

Loud noise can damage the cochlea, which is responsible for converting sound waves to electrical impulses in hearing. Unfortunately, there's no way to reverse this type of hearing loss. So don't expose yourself to sounds above 85 decibels- even if you're only listening with one ear.

Watch What You Eat and Drink

Try to avoid eating and drinking anything that contains caffeine or alcohol. Indulging in too much caffeine can lead to a condition called hyperacusis, which causes you to become overly sensitive to sounds. Alcohol is just as bad because it accelerates the degeneration of your hearing if you consume it regularly.

Keep Earwax Under Control & Avoid Use of Cotton Swabs or Other Objects Inside Ear Canal

Earwax prevents bacteria from entering and causing an infection while protecting against dust buildup that could reach the eardrum. If your ears are always plugged up, then you may be experiencing an ear infection.

Maintain a Healthy Weight

The more overweight you are, the greater the strain on your neck and spine, which could lead to hearing loss. So it's best to maintain an average weight so that your body can work properly.

Visit Your Audiologist Regularly

Sharing your hearing history with an audiologist can help them identify any underlying conditions that might not be obvious to the naked eye. When you visit an audiologist, they will conduct a hearing test and an evaluation of your ear canal to check for conditions such as wax buildup or infection. Finally, they’ll provide any necessary treatment.

Use the Correct Hearing Device

Use earplugs when you're experiencing loud noise, such as at a concert. If someone next to you is talking loudly over the music, and it's making your ears ring, then use some of those incredible foam earplugs that are super cheap and available in most drugstores.

It’s also important to wear hearing devices when prescribed by an audiologist- this includes Bluetooth headsets or telephones for people who work on the phone a lot. These high-tech aids usually provide better sound quality than traditional models because too much background noise can make it hard to hear what somebody's saying.