Tinnitus is a symptom of an underlying condition that can affect anyone at any age, although some age groups might be more affected. It is characterized by a noise being heard in the ear that is not coming from the outside world. It is very common, and not usually a sign of anything serious.

However, there might be situations when it does require treatment, and in those cases the good news is that there are several good options for doing so. Let’s take a look at how tinnitus is best treated right now.

Hearing Aids with Masking Features

One of the most powerful options for treating tinnitus is through the use of a hearing aid with masking features included. Essentially, this type of hearing aid is designed to drown out the ringing sound, or what the sound might be in your case. This can be highly effective, and it’s something that more and more people with tinnitus are trying out every day. Speaking to your audiologist about this is a good first step for this kind of treatment.

Sound Machines

Alternatively, a similar effect can be produced through the use of a sound machine. Again, the purpose of the sound machine is to mask the noise that is being caused by the tinnitus, and this can prove to work very well. This might be a white noise machine or one made specifically for helping people with tinnitus, but in either case it has been shown to work very effectively.

Tinnitus Retraining Therapy

You might not have heard of this, but it is one of the most common solutions, and a highly effective one at that. Tinnitus retraining therapy is all about changing how an individual feels about the sound, by helping them to get more and more comfortable with it.

That might be easier than you think, although it can take a lot of time and generally involves counseling. Sometimes this can be done in conjunction with hearing aids, and this dual solution seems to be highly effective for a lot of people.

Medication Alterations

Sometimes the tinnitus is simply caused by an underlying issue, such as medication that is causing trouble. In those cases, it goes without saying that changing the medication could be a solution, which is something that would have to be done with the appropriate medical professional’s help.

Quitting Smoking and Drinking

At other times, tinnitus is related to smoking or drinking alcohol. Again, simply changing those behaviors could be enough to ease the symptoms of the tinnitus, so that is something to keep in mind where it might be relevant. If this seems to be the cause, it might not always be obvious, but afterwards the change should be clear.

If you’re experiencing tinnitus and you would like some help, a good first step is to speak to an audiologist. They will be able to help determine what’s going on and could provide you with some assistance in getting the appropriate solution in place. Get in touch today.