Audiologists are hearing experts who deal with a wide range of issues. While hearing loss may sound like a single condition, living with hearing loss is usually a symptom of something else. Many people ignore the problems they have with this sense, only to find their hearing loss reaching the point that they can’t hear properly. But at what stage should you be seeing an audiologist to help with your hearing?

Persistent ringing

Hearing a persistent ringing noise in your ears can be very annoying, especially when you’re trying to work or sleep. Often known as tinnitus, developing a condition like this is always caused to see an audiologist. There are many issues that can lead to this, and they will usually also lead to hearing loss, if only as the result of the ringing getting louder.

Degrading hearing

While it sounds simple, noticing degrading hearing can actually be quite tricky. In many cases, people will only realize that they are living with something like this because the people around them comment on it. Alongside this, though, finding yourself turning up the volume on the television, asking people to repeat themselves or struggling to rely on your hearing to get around can all be signs that you need to see an audiologist.

Regular ear infections

Ear infections can be very bad for the complex inner workings of your ears. Experiencing regular infections in this part of the body can be a sign of many different issues, but they will almost always result in hearing loss if you’re not careful. An audiologist will be able to help you to manage the infections you have, while also providing support when it comes to stopping them from affecting you. 

Earwax build up

Earwax helps to protect your ears and is perfectly healthy in the right amounts. Some people produce far more wax than others, though, and this can increase as you get older. This leaves a lot of people experiencing ear infections and temporary hearing loss as the result of the wax.

Hearing clicking sounds when you swallow is a good way to tell if you have too much earwax. It’s always worth seeing an audiologist if you’re worried about the wax in your ears.

Vertigo & balance issues

While many people don’t realize it, your ears are responsible for helping you to maintain your balance. This is thanks to a biological spirit level, but this can be thrown out of whack when your ears are injured or experience other issues. This makes a lack of balance or feelings of vertigo a good indication that you might be losing your hearing. Speaking to an audiologist can be a good way to determine whether this is the case.

With all of this in mind, you should be feeling ready to take on the challenge of determining when you should visit an audiologist. Experts like this can help you with all sorts of hearing issues, giving you the chance to combat them proactively.