There are a ton of features that you can discover in a range of hearing aids, and much of them are the standard ones that you'll find in all models. However, there are other features that you can get from hearing aids that aren't "typical." When you are choosing your hearing aids, your audiologist will be able to go through all the features with you in detail. When you are picking your new hearing aid types, you need to weigh up which features matter the most to you and which would have the right perks for your needs. Here are some of the features that you must consider when you are choosing your hearing aids:

The microphone

Did you know that the microphones on hearing aids are mostly directional? Some hearing aids have a one-directional microphone where others have several of them. The directional microphones are fantastic if you want to hear things in noisy environments, and they're helpful for those who want to understand speech in a crowd. Directional microphones amplify the sound that comes from one direction, and at the same time, they quiet the noise from the other directions.


Most of the hearing aids that are made today have a telecoil, though there are still models that are too small to have one. Telecoils are those that are best used in public places, as you can directly tune into a frequency to receive sounds without the annoyance of background noise. Telecoils can also be used on the phone to help you to hear better.

More than one program

Hearing aids that can offer you the ability to set several programs are excellent if you want to spend a lot less time adjusting the settings repeatedly. Preset programs help your hearing aids to be used best in the environment that you're in. There are even hearing aids with the technology that detects the situation you're in and automatically adjusts for you, so that life is much simpler.


There are already several devices on the market that use Bluetooth technology, such as televisions, computer, smartphones, and tablets. When your hearing aids are equipped with Bluetooth, you can use them for hearing TV, music and talking on the phone and the sound quality is much better.

Masking tinnitus

Hearing aids have been proven to mask the noise from tinnitus as it amplifies the sound in the area around you. They are usually offered as part of a tinnitus program by your audiologist. Your audiologist can help you to choose the best hearing aid types for your tinnitus if you have it.

The hearing aid you choose is going to have a range of features that would work for your needs. Your audiologist is going to be able to work with you to ensure that you get the best possible hearing aid that suits your lifestyle and your needs. It's all in the features, so choose wisely, and you will gain the maximum benefits.