Hearing aids are a great solution for hearing loss – and they are only improving year after year as the technology improves in general. However, just like any device, they sometimes run into problems, and there are also certain factors that you might want to be aware of. If your hearing aids are not working properly, then you’ll need to know how to fix the issues. An audiologist can discuss these issues with you and show you how to check if your hearing aids are functioning correctly.

Check the Wax Guard

The number one reason that a hearing aid appears to stop working is because the wax guard has become clogged up with wax, stopping the sound from entering your ear canal. So, the first thing that you should check is the wax guard and see whether there is any wax in there. If there is, clear it out with a dry cloth or a brush, and then reinsert your hearing aid and turn it on again, to see if that fixed the problem.

Replace the Tubing

If you wear a hearing aid, then one of the common issues that can arise is with the tubing. Over time, this tubing can become cracked or frail, and it can start to fall apart. That will mean that the signals are not able to be transmitted in the proper way, causing your hearing aids not to work properly. So, it’s worth checking this tubing if you wear a behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aid. If you notice that the tube on your hearing aid is cracked, contact your audiologist. They can look at the tube to determine if it is cracked and needs replaced.

Switch Bluetooth Off and On

If you are trying to use Bluetooth and it doesn’t seem to be working, it could be the problem is with the Bluetooth connection itself rather than your hearing aid as a device. The best thing here is to simply try switching Bluetooth off and on to see if that helps. Sometimes, that will mean that it reconnects perfectly well, and that will be the end of the problem. If the issue persists, however, then you might want to ask your audiologist for some help, as it could be that there is another issue at play here.

Unclog the Microphone Ports

Another part of the hearing aids that you should keep a close eye on, especially when they stop working, is the microphone ports. These can easily become clogged with earwax as well as other general debris, and that stops the microphone picking up enough sound for your hearing aids to work. Take a look at these ports and unclog them with a dry cloth, then reinsert your hearing aid and see if it helps. If you are unsure on how to clean your hearing aids, your audiologist can assist you and professionally clean them.

These are just examples of issues that can arise with your hearing aids. If you are at all unsure about whether your hearing aid is working correctly, contact your audiologist for assistance.

Tags: hearing aid styles